

History of the Bible-Part II

If one is going to pass along a fraudulent document, the corrupt copy could not exist prior to the original. Therefore, the Alexandrian text was sold as an older text, based upon unproduced manuscripts that were not in existence at the time, or discovered since.

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By: Watchman
11/20/2009 4:29:16 PM

Part 2: “History of the New Testament”

  Satan never gives up. He never quits, nor does he lose focus. Although the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ dealt a fatal blow to the fallen angel’s quest to rise above God, he neither blinked nor lost his will to fight. Rather, like any warrior whom is backed into a corner, he simply continued his attack against his enemy’s most vulnerable defense, the “faith” of men.
  A good commanding general knows that one cannot win a battle by killing the “dead”. An army will not advance, if it’s warriors exhaust their time and energy piercing the enemy, ripping limbs, braking bones, and by burning corpses. Therefore, Satan is not interested in subverting his own, nor does he waste his time in pursuit of those already under his spell. The focus of his battle plan is not to kill sinners, but to destroy as many “saints” as he possibly can. Although we are all sinners, the saints live by grace. One cannot kill the dead, but those whom have life.
  Secondly, in any attack, the element of surprise can make a great difference between winning and losing a battle. Hence, a commander will employ his troops where the enemy least expects, hidden, camouflaged and in silent advance. But this strategy will only work if the defenders of a siege are unprepared.
  Further, any warrior knows that the optimum advantage goes to the army willing to invade it’s enemies home, particularly if the prey is at ease, feels secure and does not recognize the predator in his face. Within our churches, our religions and even within our Bibles, the enemy lurks, waiting for the signal to strike.
  The most deadly charge against Christianity was dealt by the folklore of scholarship. In the first century, the Roman Empire dominated world culture by engineering the arts, education and religion. A custom among the elite was to spend their time in the study of classical Greek myth and Gnosticism. The elementary purpose of this initiation into Grecian paganism was to unite the empire by offering a religion that focused upon order and the right of the ruling class.
  While the doctrine of Gnostic religion presents itself as a system of knowledge, it is deeply rooted in spiritual precept and was dominated by those whom enjoyed the luxury of a Roman education. Very much like it’s sister, the Hebrew Kabbalah, the practitioners of this art seek divine revelation in the form of hidden knowledge, and strive for spiritual ascension to a god-like eternity.
  One such preeminent school of Gnosticism was founded in around 190 AD in Alexandria Egypt by a man named Pantaneus. Many of the empire’s greatest, brightest and eager young men flocked to these elite universities and centers of learning to acquire this power of knowledge and right of exclusive first class citizenship. The ruling class however, made sure that the fraternity was funded for political purpose. Hence, the basis by which the virtues of knowledge are accepted, lies within the hallowed system of reward, as ‘standardized’ by the benefactors of the empire.
  As a result, men such as Justin Martyr, Tatian, Clement, Maricon, Philo and Origen gained a great deal of prominence by their ability to dispense the ‘correct’ scholarship of the empire, and before long, their works dominated world culture and thought.
  But the problem with Roman academia is that its foundations were built upon predestined, orchestrated and controlled environments and the scholar had to adapt his logic in support of the institution. Any failure to meet this challenge usually resulted in expulsion, ridicule or even imprisonment by the Roman authorities.
  Modern ancestors of academic culture still follow the dictates of established truth, and most are not about to jeopardize their standing, efforts or exclusive rights, to refute a doctrine of social or political significance. Therefore, our problem with scholarship is primarily based upon whom one trusts and where one is willing to place his faith.
  As an example, many religious scholars debate the concept of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. The proponents of this belief cite their conviction based upon ancient texts that have been examined, translated, tested and proven to be authentic. However, those who oppose this fact, can also provide evidence of text that have been ‘proven’ just as trustworthy, and the argument continues down through the halls of academic illness.
  Sadly, as any aspiring conqueror can testify, the control of information is an important tool of conquest. Therefore, in the academic world, information or lack thereof, can have a profound influence upon the ideals of men. The more a lie is told, and the more who tell it, increases the chance that  the lie will eventually become truth. In the Empire, many lined up for just such service.  
  In addition, those whom are in a position to provide funding, generate acclaim or reward can dictate what should be allowed into curriculum, and what should not. Since information can also be kept from the hands of those of honest study, discovery then, only sees the light of day when it is most useful.
  Therefore, the ruling class of the Roman Empire understood the power of information and sought to establish schools that assured a positive benefit to their particular tastes. One such wealthy family sent their son Clement (150 -216 AD), to the school in Alexandria, where he instantly gained the respect and trust of Pantaneus.
  Since Clement was a pupil of Taitan, Pantaneus saw that the potential of Clement was useful, so he offered Clement free run of his library where both original and copies of much of the empire’s ancient text was housed. When Pantaneus died in 200 AD, Clement succeeded his mentor and enjoyed the hospitality of Roman nobility by keeping this tradition of scholarship alive.
  Clement had studied the ancient works of Maricon, Plato, Aristotle and of Socrates and found the gnostic works of these scholars very appealing and designed his study to reflect their philosophies. Since the Roman Empire was ardently against Christian ideology, Clement’s benefactors were disturbed to find that his gnostic teachings alone could not silence the onslaught of Christian martyrdom.
  Therefore, it fell to Clement to introduce a new form of Christian theology that would seek to merge Christianity with gnostic ideal, and thus bring an abrupt end to the Christian movement. Hence, armed by Roman authority, Clement called for the collection of all copies of ancient text, bible manuscripts, and other forms of religious writings to be catalogued for study, at his school in Alexandria.
  Clement found that the majority of the Christian texts held by the common people were written in the common ‘Koine’ Greek tongue, and that most of the Christians texts seized were unedited.  Since the vast majority of these Biblical texts were identical, suggesting an unusual reverence and respect for the literature found, Clement dug deeper, for any ancient text that would expose the Christian Bible as fraudulent. 
  In the early writings of the New Testament, the copiers of text kept the very same devotion to truth and accuracy as the Old Testament scribes, who produced the Ben Chayyim Masoretic text. Historically, of the text itself, when the Gospel of Jesus Christ was first spoken unto the people, most were very aware of the miracles, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus, having been first hand witnesses of His life. The Apostles knew personally the accounting of His ministry, and many new converts also, witnessed His glory, which first hand testimony they passed down to their children and grandchildren.
  Since the Christians were seen as a political menace to Rome, and as a source of contention with the Judaic priests, many True Believers were forced to leave their goods, homes and careers behind to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. While the early Christians met and overcame obstacles that would have shaken the modern convert, only a very few had, and enjoyed, what the modern church fellowship takes for granted, the Holy Bible.
  At around 40 AD, the believers had recognized this need to spread the writings of the Gospel, and as a result, copies of the original texts were then circulated wherever Christians went. This decision is our legacy today. Without their devout reverence for God’s Word, the scriptures would have perished in the Roman fires of pagan intolerance. 
  As time in the 1st century moved on, the record of Jesus Christ had been carried across the land by these disciples before their execution. Being a believer in Jesus Christ as the True Messiah may have appeared to some to have been a tough burden to bare, but most of these precious brethren lived their lives with peace and joy, despite the cost they paid for their faith.
  Consequently, many Christians became secretive vagabonds who essentially copied the gospels while on the run. If ever there was an opportunity for error in the copying of script, this would have been a reasonable time. But, much to Clement’s chagrin, he found that very little difference in script existed.
  Today, existing documents, of some 3000 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament, are still preserved in Libraries and Museums around the world. In all, some 5339 manuscripts exist today, and are the primary source that produced the New Testament. 
  Further, the over 5300 manuscripts agree, word for word, in above 98 percent of the cases with each other. This is astounding when you consider that the manuscripts were gathered from all over the world, and were in possession of hundreds of unconnected sources. The odds are staggering when one considers that the additional burden of ownership of the Christian gospels could have meant death by Roman torture.
  By the time John completed his Book of the Revelations of Jesus Christ in around 95 AD, true Christianity had already compiled many of the New Testament Books as recorded by the disciples who wrote them. A fragment of papyrus (P66) still exists today that is from the Gospel of John and is believed to have been written around 46 AD, as does the Magdalen papyrus from 60 AD. Other artifacts have been discovered that are from the Books of Matthew and Luke that are believed to have been written between 55 to 60 AD.
  If the authors of the Books of the New Testament were legitimate authors of text, then the writings most certainly would have appeared during the period of 40 to 65 AD since the writers, with the exception of John, were all dead by that time frame. Further, the existence of such text proves that they were recorded by individuals who had personal knowledge of the facts, and whose testimony could not be questioned.
  Since most Christians were considered outlaws, and as a result, were forced into a chaotic existence, copies of text should have been difficult to retain. However, God has promised to preserve His Word, and provided a sanctuary for Christians in Antioch Syria for a brief period of time, where they were tolerated and allowed the opportunity to copy and compare texts. During this period of approximately 70 to 120 AD, this religious haven gave the early church the time necessary to put the New Testament Book in order.
  The earliest completed manuscript evidence of New Testament scripture originated in Syria between 146 and 150 AD, in what became known as the Byzantine Text. Another text that gained popularity in Europe was known as the Latin Vulgate, and its ancestry is dated to 157 AD. Not surprisingly, by the power of God, the text for both the Byzantine and Latin were nearly identical in content.
  Since Clement found that the thousands of copies of these texts were consistently copied from one generation to another, from one region to another, and contained very little difference; he had little reason to doubt it’s authenticity. Clement also found that these crazy outlaw Christians would rather die than give up their sacred writings.
  The New Testament of Jesus Christ was in complete form as early as 110 AD, and partial copies of this early text still exist today. As stated above, Clement held copies of the earliest known completed text of 150 AD, and it’s ancestry could not be questioned.

  Hence Clement was forced to accept the fact that the only way to counter the Christian Bible was to sponsor a rewrite.   Clement believed that a revision would correct the testimonies of the Apostles and the misguided notions of the Christian movement. Further, the rewrite would incorporate gnostic principal and ideal into the text and thereby change the direction of the true church of God.
  To undertake such an important task, Clement searched out the best linguists, historians and theological critics in the Empire, and found that his very own protege in Alexandria, a man named Origen (185 - 254 AD), was most suited for the work. 
  Like his mentor Clement, Origen was also a staunch supporter of the gnostic school, having studied the works of Plato, etc. and was very willing to meet his mentor’s demand. Therefore, he traveled the empire in search of more text, and visited the homes of those wealthy benefactors whom could aide in his quest. After completing his journey, Origen brought back with him a large resource of material that he personally translated and edited for the creation of his six column biblical text called the “Hexpala”.
  Since Origen was so very gifted in the study of ancient languages, he first decided to translate the Hebrew Old Testament into the Greek language and wrote the Greek Septuagint. Many Bible historians have erroneously claimed that Origen’s Greek Septuagint is merely a copy of the Original Greek Septuagint, reportedly written by Judaic priests, between 250 - 285 BC. But despite these claims, Origen himself admits, that he translated from the Hebrew text into the Greek, for the simple reason that he could not find any pre-existing Greek Septuagint to rewrite.
  To fully appreciate the scholarship of Origen, it is important to understand that his work in translating biblical text was not an honest protocol. He changed text whenever and wherever he felt script needed his personal correction, and was not at all discouraged to discount, remove or change any biblical text that did not support his personal beliefs.
  As an example, Origen believed in the gnostic principal of a pre-existent soul. A soul that would travel from one level of Heaven to another, until the soul has corrected itself enough to become a god. Further, Origen did not believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ, or of His Second Coming. He also did not believe in the Virgin birth of Jesus Christ, and considered Jesus to be just an example of how the gnostic logos work out its own salvation.
  Although he did not believe in Hell, he believed in a purgatory, and that all, including Satan himself, would one day spiritually evolve and become reconciled to God. As Origen wrote in his own book, “The Stromata”, he says:
  “ The return to original being through divine reason is the object of the entire cosmic process. Through the worlds which follow each other in eternal succession, the spirits are able to return to Paradise. God so ordered the universe that all individual acts work together toward one cosmic end which culminates in himself. 
  Likewise as to Origen's anthropology, man conceived in the image of God is able by imitating God in good works to become like God, if he first recognizes his own weakness and trusts all to the divine goodness. He is aided by guardian angels, but more especially by the Logos who operates through saints and prophets in proportion to the constitution of these and man's capacity.
  In simple terms, the Gnostic believer contends that their individual salvation is based upon their own personal ability, fathered by ‘hidden’ or spiritual knowledge beyond our own realm of existence. They believe that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was one of many gods, who did not know that beyond his universe, are higher gods, whom hold the secrets to eternal life and personal ascendancy.
  The Gnostic claims to have received those holy secrets and their followers seek this ultimate wisdom. Plainly, the design of this religion removes personal responsibility for sin, and with it the need for repentance, and denies the love the Almighty God has for His creation. Instead, the individual’s ability to acquire the knowledge and secret agenda of the cosmos is the only correct path to immortality and god-like existence. The only sin is ignorance, and the only punishment is not hell, but mortal death.
  Clearly, this ritual of pagan religion has been played out in all regions, all peoples and all eras of time since man decided to seek his own way. But none of the followers of this ancient practice would have remained in it’s seductive realm without a true sense of legitimacy. The powers of the devil to perform the necessary magic, as God allows, was considered proof of it ‘s divine doctrine.
  Hence, how did Origen introduce Gnostic practice into the New Testament? When he sat down to revise the Gospel of Jesus Christ, he needed to make changes in script to support his theories. As noted in Part I of this Bible History, in Origen’s Greek Septuagint, words were added or removed to suspend the concept of God sending Himself as atonement for the sins of mankind (Genesis 22: 8). Origen also ‘corrected’ many other Old Testament scripture, (Isaiah 7:14 and 9:6), to support the gnostic principal.
  In Origen’s New Testament, the words for ‘hell’, ‘punishment’ and ‘damnation’ were removed. The phrase of Jesus ‘Christ’, or of Jesus Christ our ‘Lord’ were also removed. Any doctrine that pointed to Jesus Christ as God, or doctrines of repentance, damnation or hell were removed so that the individual would be free to justify himself. Further, the scholar did not believe in the Book of Revelations, and he payed little attention to it’s word.
  Origen’s bible became known as the “Alexandrian” text, and as a result of his work, some 2200 alterations of Biblical text have made to God’s Holy Word down through the years. Obviously, the true believers of Jesus Christ rejected Origen’s work flat out, as heresy. But the ruling class, along with their subordinates, welcomed his academics and were happy to worship as they chose, rather than deal with repentance, sin and punishment in hell.
  From 32 AD up until 325 AD, most Christians were jailed and eventually murdered because of their love for Jesus Christ and for recording His Word. The killing fields of early Christianity by the devil’s minions was as prolific and nasty as any holocaust event in human history. The high-priests of darkness carried their crusade to eliminate Christianity wherever Christians could be found, from Jerusalem to Antioch, to Africa and even to Europe.
  In fact, the Roman Emperor Diocletian made a life long oath to destroy Christianity by killing any and all Christians that could be found within the Empire, and by burning all Christian literature. The mere fact that so many manuscripts have survived to this day, is a strong testimony of God’s promise to preserve His Word.
  But the problem for the devil was that instead of this genocide becoming a strong reason to reject Christianity, the martyrdom of Christians only increased the numbers of converts. Worse, rather than dealing with a single nation of Jews and a Rabbinic system of worship, the conversions were taking place around the globe, in all nations and within all peoples. No matter how many were killed, more and more converts stepped into the line of fire and glorified God to their death.
  Therefore, the devil knew that he once again had to resort to lies, seduction and religious control. As had been successful in the days of the Jewish nation and of the Old Testament, the devil had to redirect his attack from a frontal assault to a behind the scenes hidden subversion.   

  The solution of course, was to gain public acceptance of a corrupt Biblical text, but the devil had one small problem, the originals were written in the late 1st century, and Origen’s Alexandrian text did not exist until the middle 3rd century, over 100years later.
  If one is going to pass along a fraudulent document, the corrupt copy could not exist prior to the original. Therefore, the Alexandrian text was sold as an older text, based upon unproduced manuscripts that were not in existence at the time, or discovered since.
  (Note: Modern revisions claim that their bibles are based upon the ‘oldest’ and ‘best’ texts, when in reality, the Modern bibles are modified by Origen’s Alexandrian manuscripts. Therefore, when the publishers and their pimp scholars tell you that their Bible version is based upon the earliest known script, don’t believe it. It is a total lie and told for the sake of selling their books. After all, the modern versions are copyrighted, and the only way this could be legal, is if the book is not identical to another. Therefore, changes had to be made to meet the copyright laws). 
  Although the devil’s plan to introduce a counterfeit bible was not accepted by the true Christians; he simply redirected his assault when the Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity in the early 4th century AD. When the Emperor made his proclamation to free the Christians to worship legally, he summoned a man named Eusebius to produce a common Bible for all. Sadly however, the purpose of the new bible was to make the union of pagan and Christian worship easier for all within the empire.
  Eusebius was a highly renown scholar, educator and intellect; and enjoyed the favor of Constantine. His work was considered authentic because he actively directed the agreement of the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. Since the evil scholar was ordered to create a bible that would unite the masses, he appeased all classes by including pagan works into the new Christian bible. He was able to accomplish his mission by adopting Origen’s work into his text. Hence, Eusebius received the gratitude of Constantine and his bible was proclaimed to be the official bible of the kingdom.
  Therefore, the Bible world was split between those whom read the works of the early church, and those whom choose to believe that Eusebius’s Alexandrian  text was equal to the copies of the originals in authority. While Constantine had hoped to unite the religious worship of his empire, most true believer’s denied the inspiration of the Alexandrian text, and reserved their bible study for the texts of Antioch and the original Latin Vulgate.
  But Constantine’s dream of a united world religion did not die after his death. After all, if your going to have a church, and are going to dictate correct worship; you need a Biblical text to validate your claims. As a result, the writings of Origen, Eusebius, Justin Martyr, Tatian and Clement were quietly introduced to appeal to the movement by the upper class, and the rulers of gnostic intrigue.
  In Europe, a man named Jerome gained a great following within the Roman Catholic Church by incorporating both Origen’s and Eusebius’s works into a new bible called the Latin Vulgate. Few Biblical historians will admit that the old Latin Vulgate used by the true Christians in the mid 2th century, was replaced by Jerome’s Latin Vulgate within the Catholic Church.
  The Roman Catholic Councils have always argued that their translation was the oldest and purest Biblical text, and that their Vulgate was the original. But as history has since proved, the original Latin translation pre-dated the Vatican, having been translated in 157 AD, while Jerome’s version was written in 380 to 405 AD.
  Therefore, copies of Jerome’s Catholic text were then hidden in the Vatican for over 1000 years to hide it’s deception, and did not see the light of day until 1481. Few possessed a copy of Jerome’s work, and therefore could not compare this bible with the Byzantine text, or the original Vulgate.
  Further, when the reformation finally came, the church tried to conceal their deception by adopting the decrees of The Council of Trent. This Jesuit dominated body decreed that: Justification was not by faith alone in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. In fact the Council stated that anyone believing in this vital Bible doctrine, was CURSED"  The council's exact words were: "If anyone saith that justifying faith is nothing else but confidence in the divine mercy which remits sins for Christ's sake or that this confidence alone is that whereby we are justified, let him be ANATHEMA"
  But the esteemed council was not done. They also “condemned” the following doctrines of Christianity: Any Holy Scriptures that contained all the things necessary for salvation. They condemned that the meaning of Scripture is plain, and that it can be understood without commentary, with the help of Christ's Spirit, the Holy Ghost.
  The Council of Trent also condemned the traditional books of The Holy Bible as recorded in the  original texts by calling them apocryphal and not canonical. They also said that lay members of the church had ‘no right ‘ to interpret the Scriptures apart from the Clergy.
  The Council of Trent also issued a decree that the entire Old Testament, including the Apocryphal books, were to be received and venerated with ‘unwritten tradition’ as the Word of God.
  On April 8th 1546, the Council of Trent declared that Jerome's, corrupted, Latin Bible was the authentic Bible of the Roman Church. To clarify the point, the Papal machine officially closed all investigation into the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts in 1546, by declaring that the corrupt Alexandrian manuscripts are the inspired, canonical scriptures, and that anyone who does not go along with them is anathema (cursed).
  Taking a look at the writings and scholarship of Origen and Eusebius, no true Christian would consider their work anything but apostasy. Eusebius agreed with Origen and added that Jesus was just a man, and not both God and man. Further, he fostered the ideal of a world wide religion and believed that man would eventually evolve from his sinful nature, keeping the gnostic tradition alive.
  Jerome continued the damnation when he claimed that the authority of the church was above bible doctrine, and that Jesus Christ was ‘NOT’ the only mediator between God and man. Although Jerome admitted the Apocryphal Books that he edited and added into his bible did not belong, they remained just the same.
  For over a thousand years, from the 4th to the 19th century, the common Christian remained inspired by the original texts of Byzantine Bible and therefore the Catholic’s had to resort to threats and lies to keep their hold on their church. That is why the Council of Trent forbid reading of the Protestant Bible by the congregation, and declared that anyone who dared read God’s Word was guilty of heresy.
  Some scholars have tried to say that during the ‘Dark Ages’, few people were in possession of the Holy Bible, but as Robert Baker writes in his book “ Another Gospel”: The antiquity of the King James Version text-type is evidenced in Joseph Bosworth's Parallel Gospels. It includes the Gothic version dated about 360 AD, the Anglo-Saxon version dated between 600 and 900 AD, the Wycliffe translation dated 1381, and the Tyndale dated 1526 AD.
  Comparing them with the King James Version and the new versions quickly shows that the King James is the text that has been used historically by the church. God has spoken to men around the world through a text like the King James Version in the German Tepl Bible, the Italian Diodati, the French Olivetan Bible, the Hungarian Erdosi Bible, the Spanish Valera Bible, the Polish Visoly Bible, the De Grave Bible in Holland, the Russian Holy Synodal Bible, the German Luther Bible, and the Gottshcalkson Bible of Iceland. These all agree with the readings of the King James Version. The King James Bible Society (527 Benjulyn Rd., Cantonment, FL) keeps an updated list of current foreign bibles and missionaries in agreement with the King James Version.
  As a sad result, the Inquisition paid particular attention to those whom gathered to read the Holy Bible, and the common Christian paid a very severe price to hold together God’s Word. The Inquisition was nothing more than ‘witches killing Christians’, and not ‘Christians killing witches’ as is commonly reported.
  Those whom the Mother church claimed were guilty of heresy, were really only guilty of believing God’s Word over the institutions of men. As a result, after 400 AD, the genuine Christian had a tough choice to make; either stay true to the Word of God, or trust the priesthood to reveal God’s pure love. Since many converts to the Church did in fact choose the latter, the few true believers that refused, were forced to keep their worship from the watching eyes of the clergy.
  As the centuries rolled by, copies of genuine text were passed around to those whom trusted God’s Word and His Holy Spirit’s teachings to direct their lives. These loving Christians endured persecution, loss and privilege to keep the gospel pure. Since most of the Christians followers of the Gospel were tortured, beaten, jailed and murdered for their testimonies, the converts to Christianity were by and large considered insane and dangerous. After all, these hopeful souls were not welcome in their own churches, nor did their families agree with their decision to go against the teachings of the priesthood.  
  We must not ignore the price those true believers paid to preserved God’s Word unto this day. Through the centuries, many of our brethren were murdered to keep the Holy Bible from perishing. Their sacrifices were above and beyond what Christians experience today. One must never forget that our Holy Bible was preserved by the blood of innocents. What we so carelessly toss aside, in favor of frivolous pleasures, was printed by spilled blood, from one generation to another. These war veterans were true saints of the Living God.
  Shame on us.
   (For a detailed look into the life of the early Christians, read the book, “Foxe’s Book of Martyrs”).
  For 2000 years, we have manuscript evidence of “two” biblical ancestries: one, that of the originals and two, that of the Alexandrian text of Origen. What may surprise many, is that in the modern world, the King James Bible is the ONLY English Bible that is translated from the original manuscripts of 150 AD.
  And further, that all other English translations, such as the New International Version (NIV), New American Standard Version (NASV), the New King James Version (NKJV), and all other Modern bible translations, are descendants of the Alexandrian text.
  But before discussing the vulgar and corrupt editing of the Modern Alexandrian text, it is praiseworthy to note the ancestry of the original text exploded in the 15th century, when copies of bible texts were no longer hand written, but printed. 
  Fortunately, praise God, as Dr. Samuel Gipp writes in his book, “An Understandable History of the Bible”:  “By the middle of the 15th century, God moved in a mighty way and the 'Dark Ages' ended in 1454 when printing with movable type was invented. The very first scholar to validate for print the original 150 AD texts of the Greek language, was a man by the name of Erasmus!”
  This man was not only a sincere true believer, he was also recognized as the preeminent scholar of his day. In fact, Erasmus was so highly thought of, the Royal Crowns of Europe courted his favor. Even the Catholic Church tried to entice Erasmus by offering him a position in the Vatican as a Cardinal, whom would be groomed to eventually become Pope.
  However, Erasmus refused all overtures to devote his life to finding the correct manuscripts of the Holy Bible for print, so that the common folk could read God’s Word for themselves, without Catholic oversight. Keep in mind, that from the time Constantine engulfed true Christianity into the pagan world, most of the churches were kept under the control of the Catholic church. Bible reading had eventually become forbidden and only the priests were allowed to comment upon it’s words.      
  However, Erasmus used his vast influence within high society to study, review and collect every Biblical manuscript out there. Therefore, like Origen before him, Erasmus had traveled and collected hundreds of biblical manuscripts from all available sources. Further, Erasmus had been very careful, because he investigated the history of each text, to make sure of its validity.
  Since the majority of the manuscripts were identical, Erasmus eventually settled upon 9 manuscripts to begin his work. Not only did the manuscripts agree with the vast majority of his collection, but he was pleased to find that the Byzantine and old Latin versions so commonly trusted by the 2nd century Christians, were the most consistent.
  Some scholars claimed that because Erasmus used only 9 texts, he did not have all of the necessary manuscripts to write a creditable Bible. But, he didn’t need them, since most of the manuscripts were exactly the same. Therefore, he selected only those texts that he felt would give him the best sampling of truth. Of course, copies of the works of Origen, Eusebius and Jerome were available, but Erasmus found that they contradicted the vast majority of texts, and even contradicted themselves.
  Erasmus also reviewed the vellum Codex Vaticanius, as claimed by the Catholic church to be the oldest and best text available. But Erasmus found numerous words crossed out, written over and changed throughout the work. Since this Codex was not even known about until 1481, it caused a great deal of interest, but once studied, the tail-tail marks of revision are written all over it.   
  Dr. Samuel C. Gipp continues in his book “An Understandable History of the Bible”: “As a result of the printing press and by the labors of Erasmus, a new wave of Bible printing and language translations swept throughout the world. Martin Luther began the assault upon Pagan Rome with his translation of Erasmus’s Greek Text into the German tongue. Thus, the fires of the Great Awakening, or Reformation began to burn!”
  Further, the late Dr. David Otis Fuller adds in his book “Which Bible?”: "Within 35 years after Luther had nailed his theses upon the door of the Cathedral of Whittenberg, and launched his attacks upon the errors and corrupt practices of Rome, the Protestant Reformation was thoroughly established. The great contributing factor to this spiritual upheaval was the translation by Luther of the Greek New Testament of Erasmus into German."The most vital and immovable weapon in Luther's arsenal came in the form of the New Testament of 1522. This put the pure words ... back into the hands of 'Bible starved' Christians. The reformation ran wild across the continent, fueled by this faithful translation. Rome at this point was totally helpless to stop it!"
  Revisionists however, have suggested that Erasmus was also guilty of revision, because his first printing in 1516 was later changed in 1519, and again in 1522. But what they don’t tell you, is that the changes were not made due to bad text, but as a result of poor printing. The type setters made numerous mistakes, until they finally got it right in 1522.
  Dr. Gipp adds, “Although the Roman Catholic Church had tried to keep God’s Word from the hands of the common man, the proverbial horse was out of the barn. Next came the English translation of the 150 AD texts by a man named William Tyndale. This English scholar was an expert in seven languages, particularly the Greek and Hebrew. He translated all of the New Testament from the Greek, as well as some of the Old Testament from the Hebrew into English. His English was so perfect that the King James translators later used 85% of his translation without changing a thing.
  But as a result, Tyndale was called a heretic by the Catholic Church. To escape the clutches of the Mother Church, Tyndale fled into the European continent where he continued to translate the New testament into the English language. Some 18,000 copies of his Bible translation were shipped secretly into England. By the time England warmed to the fires of the Reformation, Tyndale was betrayed by a friend and was arrested in 1535.  A year later, Tyndale was hanged and burned at the stake for his trouble.
  Before his murder, Tyndale claimed that : "The Greek tongue agreeth more with the English than with Latin. And the properties of the Hebrew tongue agreeth a thousand times more with the English than with the Latin. The manner of speaking is both one; so that in a thousand places thou needest not but to translate into the English, word for word: when thou must seek a compass in the Latin" And where did Tyndale get the Greek text that he used for his English translation? His text: "... came from the pure Greek text of Erasmus!"
  After word of Tyndale’s bible flooded the English speaking world, along with Wycliffe’s and others, the demand for private ownership of the Holy Bible dominated western culture. As a result, over one thousand Angelican priests marched before the King of England and requested His Majesty bring together the best men of God, he could find, to publish an English bible for the common man.
  There are volumes of text circulating that attack King James, both in character and motive. It has been written that King James was a homosexual, and therefore a hypocrite. Some have suggested that he personally conducted the formation of the Bible that bears his name, to suit his own personal beliefs. There was even an attempt to kill the King by members of the Jesuit society in response to the havoc his Bible inflicted upon the Mother church. But the simple truth is, that he, like so many others before him, genuinely loved His Savior and risked his reputation and life to bring the gospel to the English speaking world. At the tender age of seven, James had already memorized the entire Bible. Anyone, who takes the time and effort to memorize the entire Bible, cannot help but be affected by the purity of God’s Holy Word.
  History itself can testify how much the printing of God’s Word meant to mankind. Not only did the ‘dark ages’ fall away, but the opportunity to study God’s Word caused a great opportunity to witness the truth all over the globe. Most homes proudly displayed the Word, and most families shared in its study daily. The Bible was also a big part of the education system and the moral attitudes and behavior of people greatly improved as a result. Prayers were a common practice in the schools and universities offered Bible study courses designed to give the student a better understanding of the Holy Bible.
  Not only did the Catholic church loses its hold on world congregations, but the devil also saw unprecedented missionary work, the forming of True Bible believing churches and whole nations changed the conduct and practice of their governments; based upon the precepts of Biblical truth.
  Unfortunately, the devil is never too far behind when it comes to countering God’ work. Therefore, gnostic Christianity began to slither back into the church system, it’s universities and scholarship. As an example: Gnostic Christianity will only recognize Jesus Christ as an example of one whom was able to transcend from human existence to a god. To support their belief, verses of scripture have been altered to imply that this was the case.
  In the Book of Daniel, chapter 3: 25 the original text says: “ He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God!” But gnostic Bible supporters have changed this verse to imply that there are many gods, by altering the script to say: “ and the fourth looks like a son of the gods!” Obviously, since the implication is that there is more than one god, the possibility that one could evolve and become a god himself, is not blemished.
  Further, since scripture must support scripture to be authentic, other verse must also be changed to support the theory of this type of human evolution. Hence, Isaiah 7:14 had to be changed from:( “ Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel!”) to a ‘young woman’, rather than a virgin, which suggests that since we are all born in the same manner, our ability to transcend is not dependent upon the miracle of a ‘virgin birth’ by the Spirit of God.
  Modern Christian translations of Ephesians 5: 1 states: “ Be ye therefore ‘imitators’ of God, as dear children!” Gnosticism holds that this implies that we ourselves are responsible for our salvation by our works, and in our ability to imitate Christ. The gnostic implication is that if we can imitate Christ, then we, as imitators, can also transcend as Jesus Christ did?  Therefore, are we not then, less dependent upon Jesus, and more concerned about our own works?
   Some may suggest that the intention here, is that since we are already saved, our imitation of Christ is merely a reflection of our conversion. However, one must be careful, because our  imitation may become as others choose, and not as a result of following His will.
  Further, the original King James text says, that we are to ‘follow’ God, as dear children. Didn’t Jesus Christ say in John 10:27: “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me!” How many other places in the gospels did Jesus say to ‘follow Him’? Imitation in itself, can be a form of mockery, since one may not be motivated by love, but by reward. God did not create man to form a business partnership, rather to be loved by His creation.
  In Acts 17: 22 it is written in the Holy Bible: “Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars Hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious!”  The word ‘superstitious’ is changed to’ religious’ in the corrupt text of Alexandria and in many modern revisions. Is there not a tremendous difference between religious and superstitious? Are we to assume, based upon this verse, that those whom practice paganism are as equally ‘religious’ in their manner of worship, as the Christian? Would this not then, begin a small step toward universal worship, by accepting that all types of worship are religious?
  But on Mars Hill in Paul’s day, there was much more going on than a simple worship service. Mars Hill was known world wide for its festivals of sexual drunken orgies, child sacrifice and ritual suicide. How can any man of God confuse this practice with true Christianity, and translate satanic ritual as religious?
  In keeping with the traditions of gnostic denial of hell, the word for Hell is removed in 2 Sam. 22:6, Job 11:8, 26:6, Psalm 16:10, 18:5, 86:13, 116:3, Isaiah 5:14, 14:15, 28:15,18, 57:9, Jonah 2:2, Matt. 11:23, 16:18, Luke 10:15, 16:23, Acts 2:27, 31, I Cor. 15:55, Rev. 1:18, 6:8, 20:13,14.
  Another one of those words the gnostic’s refused  is 'repent'. They take it out 44 times! In Matthew 21:32 they use 'relent'. Matthew 27:3 it's 'remorseful' Or Romans 11:29 they change 'repentance' to 'irrevocable'.
  The word 'damned', or 'damnation' is also removed from the gnostic bible, by replacing it with 'condemn'.Being 'condemned' is no where near as serious as being 'damned'. Damned is eternal! One can be 'condemned' and yet not be 'damned'.
  Romans 14:22 says: " Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth." Webster defines the word 'condemned' as to declare to be wrong, but the much more serious and eternal word of 'damn' is defined as being 'condemned to hell'.
  In 2 Timothy 2:15, the scholars removed the word  'study'. This is the only time in the Bible that one is told to study the Bible. Why would Bible scholars object to one’s study of God’s Holy Word?

  Another change in text is made by changing the word 'servant' to the word 'slave'. In 1 Corinthians 7:22, the Christian is called, 'Christ's slave'. But John 8:36 says: "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed".
  But isn't a Christian supposed to serve? Yes, in love. Not as a slave! Galatians 5:13 explains it, perfectly: "For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty (not slavery!) only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another." Besides, this change creates two problems for the reader; one, if one is a slave, rather than a servant, he most likely will not choose to love his master. Whereas a servant can make that choice. Second, being called a slave will most likely not appeal to those whom are considering the gift of salvation. The very connotation of slavery suggests a loveless God, which is certainly far from the truth.
  The Holy Bible also says in 2 Cor. 2:17: "For we not as many which corrupt the word of God", but the gnostic bible renders the text to "For we are not, as so many, peddling the word of God".  I find this change of text to be rather misleading, since; one who is peddling the Word of God implies that the text that is being sold is pure, but treated as merchandise. But Paul was already warning against the corruption of scripture, and indeed implies that scripture can, is and will be corrupted.
  These are only a very few examples of the more than 2200 changes (See Part III) to God’s Holy Word that serve to alter our understanding with respect to our relationship to God. They are deliberate corruptions of text that are designed to return us back to the same old lie that the serpent told Eve,” ye shall be as gods!”
  Unfortunately, the gnostic bible did not die, did not go away, nor has it lost it’s pre-eminence in the hearts of mankind ever since Origen, Eusebius and Jerome penned their filth. But before we examine the biblical corruption of those men and their ancestor revisionists, it is equally worth reviewing the lives of those whom have recorded the King James Holy Bible, as handed down to them, since the first century AD.
  As with the Ben Chayyim Masoretic Old Testament text of the bible, the New Testament text has a verifiable ancestry that goes from the apostles, to Erasmus, Luther, Tyndale, Coverdale, Wycliffe and others without alteration, to the King James Bible. However, since the printing of the King James, modern scholarship has labeled the text inferior, and translations abound with modern correction. Therefore, since the fruit of the texts themselves reveal contradiction in many modern doctrines, a study of the authorship may also swing the balance between truth and corruption.
  While I agree that publishing the character and belief of individuals can be rude, we cannot ignore the possible motive of scholarship that may influence our walk with the Lord. If the personal doctrines of the translators creeps into God’s Word, then the script cannot be considered inspired.
  Hence, just how worthy is the King James translation of the original texts? Were the translators of the King James as corrupt and self serving as the revisionists suggest? Remember, God has promised to preserve His Word, and Jesus declared that His Word shall not pass away. Therefore, a review of the King James scholars must be examined to determine if a true Bible exists without the manipulation of men.   
  According to Dr. Gipp, who recounts from Dr. Fuller’s book (Pages 200 to 228): the King James translators were not just scholars of ancient text. Unlike many of the revisionist writers, the King James effort was conducted by preachers of the Word, who served their congregations without scandal or suspicion.
  Dr. Lancelot Andrews, a member of the Westmenster Company is known for his linguistic ability. "Once a year, at Easter, he used to pass a month with his parents. During this vacation, he would find a master, from whom he learned some language to which he was a stranger. In this way after a few years, he acquired most of the modern languages of Europe. He was not a man of 'head knowledge' only. He was a man of great practical preaching ability and an ardent opponent of Rome. His conspicuous talents soon gained him powerful patrons. Henry, Earl of Huntington, took him into the north of England, where he was the means of converting many Papists by his preaching and disputations. As a preacher, Bishop Andrews was right famous in his day. He was called the 'star of preachers. Dr. Andrews was also known as a great man of prayer. "Many hours he spent each day in private and family devotions; and there were some who used to desire that 'they might end their days in Bishop Andrews' chapel.' He was one in whom was proved the truth of Luther's saying, that 'to have prayed well, is to have studied well. Although he was a mighty preacher and prayer warrior, he was not "above" the people around him. "This worthy diocesan was much 'given to hospitality,' and especially to literary strangers. So bountiful was his cheer, that it used to be said, 'My Lord of Winchester keeps Christmas all years 'round. Lastly we review his ability as a translator of the Word of God.
 But we are chiefly concerned to know what were his qualifications as a translator of the Bible. He ever bore the character of a 'right godly man,' and a 'prodigious student.' One competent judge speaks of him as 'that great gulf of learning!' It was also said, that 'the world wanted learning to know how learned this man was.' A brave old chronicler remarks, that such was his skill in all languages, especially the Oriental, that had he been present at the confusion of tongues at Babel, he might have served as the Interpreter-General! In his funeral sermon by Dr. Buckzidge, Bishop of Rochester, it is said that Dr. Andrews was conversant with fifteen languages.
  Dr. John Overall was another of the King James translators. He, too, was known for his opposition to Roman rule. He was present at the hanging of the Jesuit Henry Garnet, mastermind of 'the Gun-powder Plot.' In spite of his opposition to Rome, he had an interest in individual souls and urged Garnet to make a true and lively faith to God-ward. Dr. Overall was vital to the translation because of his knowledge of quotations of the early church fathers. Without a man with such knowledge it might have been impossible to verify the authenticity of passages such as I John 5:7. This verse has a multitude of evidence among church fathers, though its manuscript evidence suffers from the attacks of Alexandria's philosophers. This disputed verse is known among textual circles as the "Johannine Comma." Dr. Edward Hills records some of the evidence in its favor: "The first undisputed citations of the Johannine Comma occur in the writings of two fourth century Spanish bishops, Priscillian, who in 385 was beheaded by the emperor Maximus in the charge of sorcery and heresy, and Idacious Clarus, Priscillian's principal adversary and accuser. In the Fifth Century the Johannine Comma was quoted by several orthodox African writers to defend the doctrine of the Trinity against the gainsaying of the Vandals, who ruled North Mrica from 439 to 534 and were fanatically attached to the Arian heresy. About the same time it was cited by Cassiodorus (480-570) in Italy. The Comma is also found in r, an old Latin manuscript of the fifth or sixth century, and in the Speculum, a treatise which contains an old Latin text. It was not included in Jerome's original edition of the Latin Vulgate, but around the year 800 it was taken into the text of the Vulgate from the old Latin manuscripts. It was found in the great mass of the later Vulgate manuscripts and in the Clementine edition of the Vulgate, the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church. It was also cited by Cyprian in 225 A.D. 206
This is one hundred and seventy-five years before Jerome penned the Vatican manuscript.
We can see then that Dr. Overall's contribution to the translation would be of the utmost importance. No "modern" translation has so candidly investigated the evidence of the church fathers.
  Dr. Hadrian Saravia, another learned translator, was as evangelical as he was scholarly. McClure reports:"He was sent by Queen Elizabeth's council as a sort of missionary to the islands of Guernsey and Jersey, where he was one of the first Protestant ministers; knowing, as he says of himself, in a letter, 'which were the beginnings, and by what means and occasions the preaching of God's Word was planted there.' He labored there in a two-fold capacity, doing the work of an evangelist, and conducting a newly established school, called Elizabeth College. He too, as any truly dedicated soldier for Christ, was a constant foe of Rome. In 1611 he published a treatise on Papal primacy against the Jesuit Gretser. He is said to have been "educated in all kinds of literature in his younger days, especially several languages.
  Dr. John Laifield was another man of unique talents which lent to his extraordinary value as a translator. Of him it is said: "That being skilled in architecture, his judgement was much relied on for the fabric of the tabernacle and temple.
  Dr. Robert Tighe was known as "an excellent textuary and profound linguist.
  Dr. William Bedwell was "an eminent Oriental scholar." His epitaph mentions that he was "for the Eastern tongues, as learned a man as most lived in these modern times." "He published in quarto an edition of the epistles of St. John in Arabic, with a Latin version, printed at the press of Raphelengius, at Antwerp, in 1612. He also left many Arabic manuscripts to the University of Cambridge, with numerous notes upon them, and a font of types of printing them. His fame for Arabic learning was so great, that when Erpenius, a most renowned Orientalist, resided in England in 1606, he was much indebted to Bedwell for direction in his studies. To Bedwell, rather than to Erpenius, who commonly enjoys it, belongs the honor of being the first who considerably promoted and revived the study of the Arabic language and literature in Europe. He was also tutor to another Orientalist of renown, Dr. Pococke. "Some modern scholars have fancied, that we have an advantage in our times over the translators of King James' day, by reason of the greater attention which is supposed to be paid at present to what are called the 'cognate' and 'Semitic' languages, and especially the Arabic by which much light is thought to be reflected upon Hebrew words and phrases. It is evident, however, that Mr. Bedwell and others, among his fellow-laborers, were thoroughly conversant in this part of the broad field of sacred criticism. In addition to his work on the Authorized Version, Dr. Bedwell left several other contributions to his age:"Dr. Bedwell also commenced a Persian dictionary, which is among Archbishop Laid's manuscripts, still preserved in the Bodelian Library at Oxford. In 1615 he published his book, A Discovery of the Impostures of Mahomet and of the Koran. To this was annexed his Arabian Trudgeman. "Dr. Bedwell had a fondness for mathematical studies. He invented a ruler for geometrical purposes, like that we call Gunther's Scale, which went by the 'Bedwell's Ruler'."After Bedwell's death, the voluminous manuscripts of his lexicon were loaned to the University of Cambridge to aid the compilation of Dr. Castell's colossal work, the Lexicon Heptaglotton.

  Dr. Edward Lively was known as "one of the best linguists in the world ... Much dependence was placed on his surpassing skill in Oriental languages.
  Dr. Lawrence Chaderton was raised a Roman Catholic and encouraged by his family to become a lawyer. He traveled to London where he was converted to Christ and joined the Puritan Congregation there. It is said that: "He made himself familiar with the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew tongues and was thoroughly skilled in them. Moreover he had diligently investigated the numerous writings of the Rabbis, so far as they seemed to promise any aid to the understanding of the Scriptures. Dr. Chaderton was a powerful preacher who lived to the age of one hundred and three. A preaching engagement in his later years was described as follows:
"Having addressed his audience for two full hours by the glass, he paused and said, 'I will no longer trespass on your patience.' And now comes the marvel; for the whole congregation cried out with one consent for God's sake, go on! He accordingly proceeded much longer, to their great satisfaction and delight. Dr. McClure leaves us to ponder the direction scholarship has taken in these modern times. "For even now people like to hear such preaching as is preaching. But where shall we find men for the work like those who gave us our version of the Bible?"
  Dr. Francis Dillingham was so studied in the original languages that he participated in public debate in Greek. Dr. Dillingham was another soldier for Christ who took aggressive action against the teaching of Rome. "He collected out of Cardinal Bellarmine's writings, all the concessions made by the acute author in favor of Protestantism. He published a Manual of Christian Faith, taken from the Fathers, and a variety of treatises on different points belonging to the Romish controversy.
  Dr. Thomas Harrison, it is recorded, was chosen to assist the King James translation due to his knowledge of Greek and Hebrew. In fact his ability served him well in his duties as Vice-Master of Trinity College in Cambridge."On account of his exquisite skill in the Hebrew and Greek idioms, he was one of the chief examiners in the University of those who sought to be public professors of these languages.
  John Harding was an ardent scholar of whom it is said concerning his ability: "At the time of his appointment to aid in the translation of the Bible, he had been Royal Professor of Hebrew in the University for thirteen years. His occupancy of that chair, at a time when the study of sacred literature was pursued by thousands with a zeal amounting to a possession, is a fair intimation that Dr. Harding was the man for the post he occupied.
  Dr. John Reynolds had been raised in the Roman Catholic Church. As Chaderton, he too trusted Christ and became a Puritan. The attributes leading to his position on the translation committee are recorded as follows: "Determined to explore the whole field and make himself master of the subject, he devoted himself to the study of the Scriptures in the original tongues, and read all the Greek and Latin fathers, and all the ancient records of the Church.  His aggressive nature toward the false teachings of his former church are exemplified in the following record:
"About the year 1578, John Hart, a popish zealot, challenged all the learned men in the nation to a public debate. At the solicitation of one of Queen Elizabeth's privy counsellors, Mr. Reynolds encountered him. After several combats, the Romish champion owned himself driven from the field." "At that time, the celebrated Cardinal Bellarmine, the Goliath of the Philistines at Rome, was professor of theology in the English Seminary at that city. As fast as he delivered his popish doctrine, it was taken down in writing, and regularly sent to Dr. Reynolds; who from time to time, publicly confuted it at Oxford. Thus Bellarmine's books were answered, even before they were printed. His skills in Hebrew and Greek made his appointment to the company of translators a wise one. While on his death bed, it is recorded: "The papists started a report, that their famous opposer had recanted his Protestant sentiments. He was much grieved at hearing of the rumor; but too feeble to speak, set his name to the following declaration: 'These are to testify to all the world, that I die in the possession of that faith which I have taught all my life, both in my preachings and in my writings, with an assured hope of my salvation, only by the merits of Christ my Savior.
  Dr. Richard Kilby was a man worthy of the position of translator. One incident in his life, which occurred shortly after the Authorized Version had been published, suffices not only to reveal his depth, but also the dangers of the self-esteemed "scholars" changing the translation of even one word in God's Book. "I must here stop my reader, and tell him that this Dr. Kilby was a man so great in learning and wisdom, and so excellent a critic in the Hebrew tongue, that he was made professor of it in this University; and as also so perfect a Grecian, that he was by King James appointed to be one of the translators of the Bible, and that this Doctor and Mr. Sanderson had frequent discourses, and loved as father and son. The Doctor was to ride a journey into Derbyshire, and took Mr. Sanderson to bear him company; and they resting on a Sunday with the Doctor's friend, and going together to that parish church where they were, found the young preacher to have no more discretion than to waste a great part of the hour allotted for his sermon in exceptions against the late translation of several words, (not expecting such a hearer as Dr. Kilby) and showed three reasons why a particular word should have been otherwise translated. When evening prayer was ended, the preacher was invited to the Doctor's friend's house, where after some other confidence, the Doctor told him, he might have preached more useful doctrine, and not filled his auditor's ears with needless exceptions against the translation; and for that word for which he offered to that poor congregation three reasons why it ought to have been translated as he and others had considered all them, and found thirteen more considerable reasons why it was translated as now printed.
  Dr. Miles Smith was the man responsible for the preface to the King James Bible. This preface is no longer printed in the present copies of the Book. He had a knowledge of the Greek and Latin fathers, as well as being expert in Chaldee, Syriac, and Arabic. "Hebrew he had at his finger's end. And so was the Ethiopic tongue.
  Dr. Henry Saville was known for his Greek and mathematical learning. He was so well known for his education, skilled with languages and knowledge of the Word, that he became Greek and mathematical tutor to Queen Elizabeth during the reign of her father, Henry VIII. Dr. McClure tells us, "He is chiefly known, however, by being the first to edit the complete works of John Chrysostom, the most famous of the Greek Fathers.

  Dr. D. A. Waite from his book “Defending the King James Bible” had this to say about John Bois, who was expert in Hebrew as well as Greek. He studied at his father's knee. In fact, at the age of five, he had read the whole Bible IN HEBREW!! At the age of six, John Bois was able to write Hebrew in a clear and elegant style. If you know anything about the Hebrew letters, it's difficult to write in an elegant style, or in any style, for that matter. Much more could be said about John Bois.
  It was true also from 1604 to 1611, when these profound scholars gave us our incomparable King James Bible! They had mastered English as well as the Hebrew/Aramaic and Greek. They also knew the cognate or brother-sister- cousin related languages that shed light on the Hebrew/Aramaic and Greek such as the Aramaic, the Arabic, the Persian, the Coptic, the Syriac, and the others.

  When the modern "translators/paraphrasers" come upon a word they don't understand, they throw up their hands in dismay. The King James Version translators did not meet with such difficulty because they knew the cognate languages so well that they could unlock such mysteries. Our modern "translators/paraphrasers" are linguistically illiterate when compared to the men who gave us our Holy Bible, as the King James Version was once called.
  Dr. Gipp concludes, that we could go on and on concerning the scholarship of the King James translators, but we have not the space here. Dr. McClure's book, “Translators Revived”, is recommended for an in-depth study of the lives of these men. It should be noted that these men were qualified in the readings of the church fathers which prevented them from being "locked" to the manuscripts, causing early readings to be overlooked.

  This is vastly better than the methods used by modern translators. It should also be recognized that these men did not live in "ivory towers." They were men who were just as renowned for their preaching ability as they were for their esteemed education. It is a lesson in humility to see men of such great spiritual stature call themselves "poor instruments to make God's Holy Truth to be yet more and more known.

  In 1871, a committee of Cambridge scholars met in London England to ‘modernize’ the English translation of King James. The religious world was told, that the King James Bible version was to be the text used to create their new Bible, but their newer version would be easier to read. However, the London committee lied, and did not use the King James Bible, but decided to revisit the ancient texts to compile a correct bible.   
  Unfortunately, the ancient Byzantine text that was translated by the King James committee as their source of translation was not selected for review. Instead, the Alexandrian text of Origen, Eusebius and Jerome became the model of their study.

  Then, in 1901, another committee in America, also met to update the King James. As with the London committee, the Byzantine texts which was used by the King James scholars to translate the Bible into English, was not used either. Instead, the revision committees used the texts of Origen and Eusebius to produce their modern English version which became The New American Standard Version.
  From their works we now have the NKJB, NIV, NASB, NRSV, NAB, NEV, REB, MEV, RSV, CEV, GNB, Living, Phillips, New Jerusalem and New Century Bibles. Further, a new Bible is currently near completiont that promises to end the controversy over translations, by printing a Bible that will be universally accepted by all denominations. Again, this bible will be produced under the tutelage of Origen and Eusebius text.
  Therefore, why were the texts of Origen and Eusebius considered correct by the revision committees, when the originals of Antioch were written, copied and passed down by the very people who personally witnessed the actual words of Jesus Christ and His apostles?
  Further, do you not find it odd that whenever false religions discuss the legitimacy of their messiah; why do they compare their Mohammed, their Buddha, their Krishna or Lord Maitreya with Jesus Christ and not each other? Why do they also compare their Bibles with the King James, without commenting on any other translation?
  If the new English translations of the Bible are inspired by God, then the personal doctrines, beliefs and character of the revision committee members would not influence God’s work. Right? Therefore, I will introduce some of the scholars of the Revision movement and offer their individual theologies to determine if they performed an honest translation. After all, if we are to trust the scholarship of men, then certainly their character is as important as their work.
  The source of these individual scholar’s theologies are well documented and are the result of their personal testimonies. Since the 1871 revision committee members had enjoyed such great academic acclaim, their personal doctrines as well as their notoriety were common knowledge in the 19th century. But suspiciously, 20th  and 21st century revisionists are no longer named, nor are their personal beliefs documented. Wonder why?   

  1)  Dr. Edward Goodspeed  -  Did not believe that Jesus was God, or any of the book of Genesis.

  2)  Julius Brewer                  -  Did not believe in the Books of Moses.

  3)  Henry Cadbury               -  Believed that Jesus was just a good story teller.

  4)  Walter Bowie                  -  Claimed that the Old Testament was mere legend.

  5)  Clarence Craig              -  Denied resurrection of Jesus, and believed 2nd Coming as spiritual.

  6)  Fredrick Grant              -  Prayed to the dead.

  7)  William Speary              -  Refused to believe in the Book of John.

  8)  William Irwin              -  Believed that the prophets kept God alive by their prophecies.

  9)  Flemming James              -  Believed that the Old Testament was not a factual account.

 10) Millar Burrows                -  Did not believe Bible was inspired by God.

 11) C.H. Dodd                      -  Believed that the Bible was dangerous to religion, and morals. Claimed that John 3:16 was a myth, and that the death of Jesus as atonement for sin was not rational                                                    .

   Would you trust those men to translate your Bible? But that’s not all. Two men named Dr. Westcott and Dr. Hort were world renown scholars who specialized in linguistics. Since their ability to translate ancient Greek language was considered superior, their influence upon the revision committees did more damage to the bible translations than anyone since Origen and Eusebius.
  In fact, both were great admirers of both Origen and Eusebius and saw that their duty to bible revision remained in line with the Alexandrian texts of Origen. Rather than take the King James Bible and modernize its English script, the two scholars were the ones who convinced the committee to review the Alexandrian texts and correct the King James Bible.
  According to the books, written by both of the sons of Westcott and Hort, both Mr. Westcott and Hort believed that the Bible was not any different than any other book. They did not believe that the Bible was inspired by God, or that the Word was infallible. Neither men believed in punishment in hell, but they did claim that there was in fact a place called purgatory where men would eventually receive salvation. Sound familiar?
  Further, they denied that Jesus Christ was atonement for sin and fostered the ideal that Lucifer’s ransom would be better than God’s. Believing of course, the masonic myth that Lucifer and the devil were separate beings. They believed in regenerate baptism (sprinkling of infants), but did not believe in miracles. Both agreed that heaven was a state of mind, rather than an actual place, and believed that the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ would be a spiritual event, rather than a physical reign.
  Both Dr. Westcott and Dr. Hort enjoyed prominent roles in the final wording of the revised works and fought tooth and nail to get their views expressed in the final translation. At the end of the day, the Westcott and Hort theology replaced much of the doctrines of the King James Bible and the newer, modern and so called corrected works of the Bible are now accepted as canon.
  Dr. Westcott spent his final days chasing ghosts after he formed a Guild for scientific research into paranormal activity. The purpose of which was designed for remote-viewing through the use of the spirit world. Dr. Hort on the other hand, spent his final days in support of Westcott’s guild, while promoting the works of Darwin and Communism.
  Dr. D.A. Waite explains in his book, “ Defending the king James Bible”, Both Dr. Frederick Scrivener and Dean John William Burgon agreed that the greatest pollution of the stream of pure manuscripts was accomplished in the first 100 years after the New Testament was written! So the oldest are not necessarily the best! This is especially true since the heretics had their knives out "correcting" the Greek N.T. almost as soon as it was written. The Egyptian scribes and editors of "B" (Vatican) and "Aleph" (Sinai) were some of the most vicious "correctors" of God's Words; yet these two Greek texts form the very bedrock of the new versions and perversions of our day. "B" and "Aleph" contradict each other, as Herman Hoskier has so accurately pointed out in his two volume work entitled “Codex B and Its Allies”, in over 3,000 places in the four Gospels alone! So, they are not good witnesses. They are false witnesses indeed!
  But could Dr. Westcott and Dr. Hort have discovered something that over ruled their trust in the original texts? Did these scholars possess information that compelled them to adopt the Alexandrian text, and it’s bastard seeds the Vatican, and Sinai codex, as true biblical text?  
  Apparently, the two corrupt scholars had only their own convictions to justify their choice of the text of Origen. They never produced any manuscript, document or text to validate their decision. Worse, the primary texts in their study was so limited, that the overwhelming evidence of text presented by the King James scholarship should have made Westcott and Hort’s contributions to the revision committee ridiculously useless.
  But the reputations of these two scholars won their argument, and the Minority Text, as the text of Alexandria is called, was selected by the committee, for their bible revision. Therefore, despite the fact that the Textus Receptus, or Majority Text that underlines the King James Bible held a far superior resource of evidence, the committee ignored the ancestry and proceeded to revise the Holy Bible, based upon the works of gnostic Origen.
  To illustrate the absurdity of the committee’s decision, Dr. Waite book provides an excellent comparison between the Majority Text (Textus Receptus) that produced the King James Bible, and the Minority text of Westcott and Hort:
  “As of 1967, Kurt Aland, of Munster, Germany, counted a total of 5,255 Greek manuscripts still in existence. Though there are a few others since 1967, I use these figures which are still very close. Aland is the lead editor of the 26th edition of the Nestle/Aland Greek New Testament which is being used as the critical text of today. I am using Aland's 1967 figures.
  There are 81 (now 88) papyrus fragments, and 267 uncial manuscripts. The uncials are large, capital letter documents. There are 2,764 cursives manuscripts, which are the flowing hand manuscripts. There are 2,143 lectionary manuscripts. These are portions of Scripture that were read on certain days of the church year. This totals at least 5,255 Greek manuscripts of the N.T. that have been preserved and are available for us today.
  The table in Waite’s book gives the approximate number and percent of each type of Greek manuscript that supports the Westcott-Hort (WH) Greek text, as well as the number and percent of each class that supports the Textus Receptus (TR) Greek text. These approximations are taken from the careful research of Dr. Jack Moorman in his book “Forever Settled”. The Westcott/Hort figures are given first and those for the Textus Receptus, second.
  For the papyrus fragments the score is 13 to 75 (15% to 85%). For the uncial manuscripts the score is 9 to 258 (3% to 97%). For the cursive manuscripts the score is 23 to 2,741 (1% to 99%). For the lectionary manuscripts the score is 0 to 2,143 (0% to 100%). For the totals for all classes of manuscripts the score is 45 to 5,210. This is a ratio of less than 1% to more than 99%!
  In other words, Westcott and Hort ignored almost all of the evidence of truth, to rely upon a very small record that was based upon the works of Origen and Eusebius.
  While it may appear that the scholars of the Revision committees would not have risked their reputations to stand behind such poor academics, one must not ignore the influence of money. Had these humble servants stayed true to the ancestry of the Holy Bible, their revision may not have made it passed copyright laws. If literature is to be published and sold, its contents must not have more than a prescribed percentage of identical script. Therefore, in order to sell bibles, the publishers had to make sure that enough alterations were made, to legally sell their product.
  Further, since there are so many revisions, each must in turn, alter their books, or bibles to distinguish itself from all others. As a result, from 1901 to 1984, the greedy publishing houses and their paid willing scholars, produced as many revisions to God’s Holy Word, as they could market. Not only does this practice reduce pure text, this allowed the devil to exercise his corrupt theology upon an unsuspecting public. 
  As noted above, the Nestle/Aland group admitted that the text of the revisions is based upon a scant 45 texts (1%), two of which, are the Vatican Codex and the Sinai. In the 1950's and 60's a group known as the Lockman Foundation sponsored many of our modern revisions to include the New International Version (NIV), and the New King James Version (NKJV) which included revisions made by the Nestle/Aland group. Therefore, this admission by the Nestle/Aland group is noteworthy, because they also published revisions.
  Further, a former member of one revision committee, a Dr. Logsdon was asked to examine the translation closely. The following is his renunciation of every attachment to the NASB. This renunciation takes on added meaning since the NIV and NASB used the Nestle/Aland Text in the revision process and many changes are common to both:
  "I must under God renounce every attachment to the New American Standard Version. I’m afraid I’m in trouble with the Lord…We laid the groundwork; I wrote the format; I helped interview some of the translators; I sat with the translator; I wrote the preface…I’m in trouble; I can’t refute these arguments; it’s wrong, terribly wrong; it’s frighteningly wrong and what am I going to do about it…"When questions began to reach me at first I was quite offended…I used to laugh with others…However, in attempting to answer, I began to sense that something was not quite right in the New American Standard Version. I can no longer ignore these criticisms I am hearing and I can’t refute them . . . the deletions are absolutely frightening . . . there are so many . . . Are we so naVve that we do not suspect Satanic deception in all of this? Upon investigation, I wrote my very dear friend, Mr. Lockman, explaining that I was forced to renounce all attachments to the NASV. The product is grievous to my heart and helps to complicate matters in these already troublous times…I don’t want anything to do with it…The finest leaders we have today…haven’t gone into it [the new versions’ use of a corrupted Greek text], just as I hadn’t gone into it…that’s how easily one can be deceived…I’m going to talk to him [Dr. George Sweeting, president of Moody Bible Institute] about these things…You can say the Authorized Version (KJV) is absolutely correct…100% correct…I believe the Spirit of God led the translators of the Authorized Version. If you must stand against everyone else, stand."

  The above statement by Dr. Logsdon, demonstrates a very serious illness within the halls of  modern academics, that has spread it’s sickness from the scholar, to the pulpit, and on down to the congregation. Are our pastors to blame? Not necessarily, as most seminary students hold a deeper trust in their teachers, than students of a secular education. They believe that their scholars are providing a truthful accounting of their study, and are confident that God is leading their wisdom.
  Should one therefore cast an accusing glance at the scholar? Again, not necessarily, since most scholars are themselves former students of the very same seminaries and institutions, that have passed down their curriculum from generation to generation. The deception of bible revision has been around for centuries. Satan has very carefully selected, supported and sustained a very profitable enterprise in such a slow, subtle and discreet manner, few recognize the cancerous condition of their education.
  Who then, is ultimately responsible for the corruption of the Holy bible? To fully understand this deadly war, we must first admit a very basic principle of human nature, our own will. God does not send anyone to hell. Satan does not trick anyone into hell and one’s works will not keep them from the fall.

  People send themselves to hell. They choose it, and by their choice, they decide their own fate. While it is easy to blame the devil, the simple fact is, most only believe what they really want to believe. No amount of guile, persuasion or deceit is going to make one change their mind, unless they want it to. As one man once said, “ truth isn’t what is, truth is what people believe it is!” When the last page of human history is written, no honest reader can deny that man himself chose his own wound.
  Another aspect of this war is that when the Old Testament prophets brought God’s Word to the people, the people did not respond by going to God with their objections. They retaliated by killing the men and women God sent. The prophets were not murdered because they were unworthy, loathsome or because they lacked love for their brethren. They died because man refused to hear God’s message and would not lower themselves to repentance. Since the men and woman of Israel could not argue with God’s Word, they lied in their hearts to avoid responsibility. 
  Any deception will not supernaturally transform the hearts of men without man’s desire to be fooled. Jeremiah wrote in chapter 17 verse 9: “ The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Sadly, most fail to recognize that the weapons employed by Satan cannot work unless one allows their use. Therefore, the devil fires the weapon of one’s choosing, based upon their own heart. That very same instrument of destruction that has been   battle tested and proven to be so effective, is leveled time, and time again, until one is consumed.

  But do not misunderstand, the guns of war are not directed to the hearts of sinners. Christians, are the trophy, the rite of passage and a badge of honor of satanic conquest.
  Finally, the most called upon weapon in the devil’s arsenal appeals to the hearts of men. It is respected by authority, peaceful, provides security, comfort and places the Christian at ease. This device is not carried into battle by the conquering hordes, nor is it seen as a weapon by the conquered. Ironically, this most deadly weapon of destruction lays at the fingers tips of the hunted. It is seldom used in defense, and few trust this weapon enough to survive.
  The Holy Bible, God’s Word and promise can be, and has been the most devastating machinery of war ever produced. Yet, the Bible can also save lives. Millions of souls are won and lost based upon how this sword is used, cared for and respected. And only the individual heart can decide its effect.
  Like any weapon, if the instrument is put aside, does not receive necessary care and the owner does not develop skill, when the time comes to use it, the weapon will fail. Worse, if the neglected weapon has broken or flawed parts, when applied in defense, much to one’s horror, the device will explode and kill it’s owner.
  Imagine the laughter. The devil is taking, using, corrupting and changing the very thing that Christians need to live, and using this gift as a weapon that most lukewarm Christians will take to destroy themselves. Sadly, the biggest surprise will come when God’s Holy Book will be interpreted and altered just enough to be employed as justification for mankind’s acceptance of the False Christ. That day is coming with every new and updated bible revision to come.
  Of course most of the readers of this article, particularly Christians, will not be receptive to the idea that they, or any Christian could possibly be that deceived, especially by reading the Bible. Most Christians consider themselves to be immune from attack because they have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and depend upon the Holy Spirit to keep them safe. Unfortunately, there are two problems with this attitude, first of which is their relationship with God.
  If the individual Christian spends his or her days in worship, prayer and in Bible study, they are going in the right direction. But, the fruit of their works must also demonstrate the glorification of the Father. Is the heart of the Christian obedient to God, and does the heart seek His Will?
  Far too often, a Christian’s life is lived in the congregations and behind the shield of proper church coached Christian behavior. They are comforted by the promises of God and follow the examples and teachings of others to adopt an acceptable lifestyle that pleases men and most important, their hearts.
  Very few Christians in the modern world fully understand that they as sinners deserve nothing, and as saved Christians, they did nothing to earn salvation. Yet, they will behave as if all battlefield honors are theirs, as a consequence of their willingness to accept God’s gift. As if their acknowledgment of what God has done for them, is a result of their worthiness.
  How many of our true believing brethren spend their time witnessing? How much do they visit the sick, provide for the hungry, support the widows and fatherless or even venture into the jails to offer scriptures to the lost?  Few find enough time to even read God’s Holy Word, let alone take what they have learned into a solid witness.
  One can get a reasonable feel for their relationship with God by their prayer life. It is not so much how often or how deep prayers are said, but by what they say. Are the requests before the Almighty God centered on the benefits and blessings for the individual, or are the prayers filled with thanksgiving, and a heart that is willing to follow God’s Will, at any cost? If one refuses to accept that a Christian has been bought for a price, and no longer belong to themselves, then they are vulnerable.
  Secondly, the Bible is filled with warnings and prophesies for a very real reason, and that is to keep one from falling. There is absolutely no reason for the Bible to contain these literal volumes of verse unless we needed to understand their truths. Therefore, there are really only two ways to remain under the gun, either by not reading the Bible, or by reading and trusting a corrupt text.
  This is not as much a condemnation of modern church worship, but a cry to wake up and remember that you are called by the Lord as His witnesses. If one does not take his worship seriously, if one is not inclined to make their lives in Christ a daily walk, then when service is required, they will be unprepared to meet the challenge.     
  The challenge of course is that the modern translations do more than confuse the reader, or subvert doctrine; they also are the very texts the anti-Christ and his false prophet will use to seduce their worship by man. After all, in the modern world, there is little reason to suppress the Holy Bible, because all that is needed, is a revised or rewritten script to destroy souls. Our adversary has been editing the very script you read, and sermonizing with great authority the true meanings of biblical text.
  Since there are now over 185 English bible versions, the new argument, does not need to deal with a correct text, but rather or not ‘evangelism’ is superior to the written Word of God. Like the gnostic mentor of the past, today’s scholars insist upon casting doubt upon one’s ability to understand scripture. After all, if one compares bible versions, languages and interpretation of scripture, along with concordances and bible commentary, one can easily be lost in a sad state of confusion. Precisely as the devil prefers it.
  Then, since this kind of process can become a burden of time and option, the devil knows that most will just throw up their hands, and let the pastors decipher the truth. As a result, biblical truth has just fallen backwards, by handing the works of the Holy Spirit, over to the church.
  But as Jeremiah 17: 5 states: “Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD!” After all, what kind of heart raises up and decides that it’s wisdom is superior to God’s, as the revisionists have done? Who dares to correct the Almighty God? And what soul is perfect enough to decide what is truth, and what is prophesy?
  Further, one of the most disappointing aspects of modern religion is the desire of the church to compel it’s congregations to ‘keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace’ (Eph 4: 3) But then, they will put corrupt bible translations into the hands of their church. How can the unity of the Spirit truly exist, if the bible is corrupt, and false doctrines are taught?

  Worse, those who follow God’s Word, will defend His word, as Jesus instructed. But, as is usually the case, most true believers are then encouraged to leave their congregations by the church, or are shamefully cast out. I John 4: 5-6 states:

  “They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error!”
  Of course, since the responsibility for the corruption of the bible is dependent upon the reception of the reader, some may say: “one can, and will interpret scripture in anyway one wishes to!” But God’s Holy Word is not written for interpretation. In 2 Peter 1:20-21 “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost!”
  Further, as John chapter 16 verse 13 states: “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak; and he will shew you things to come!” 
  The Spirit of God knows our hearts, our needs and our purpose. But, if we lean on others for instruction, then the wicked on all sides will encamp your communion with God. Hence, rather than trying to interpret His Word, understand this; that the Holy Bible was written for teaching, not interpretation. Wicked man will see only what he wishes to see. But God’s Word is more than a personal education, it is also His direct communication with you. A time when God writes His will for your life, into your heart.                              
  Does it not state in I John 2: 27 that: “But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him!”   
  One is only corrupted when they choose not to read God’s Word, or is comfortable with the corrupt translations. Many ministers of Jesus Christ solemnly respect their calling, and have no desire to mislead, mis-teach or deceive their congregations. Most pastors understand that when we are born-again, we begin as babes, taking that long journey toward maturity, truth and spirit filled living.
  Since we are then, but children; we readily accept what we are taught without reservation. We do not question the teachings of our elders, nor do we suspect that what is taught may be in error. Unfortunately, while growing up in Jesus Christ can be a most blessed experience, the trail can be covered by religious doctrine and institutions of man.
  It is not until we begin to mature, that we are able to recognize that some of the things we learn as children, are not always the truth. The Holy Bible was ordained by God, and given to us as a mentor to guide our way to spiritual maturity, but what we learn, must be the correct teaching, and our pastors try to fulfill this need.
  But this does not mean that just because someone claims to be a servant of God, that he is. While some ministers are in fact filled with God’s Spirit, there are far too many whom are filled with something else. I know that there are pastors out there, whom have paused when reviewing scripture, to reflect upon verse. Something deep in their heart just doesn’t feel at ease, when reading corruption, even though they are not aware that their bible has been polluted. A very small voice will say to them: “ Is this right?”
  But unfortunately, again, most pastors will disregard that moment and continue on, as if their anointing, shields their hearts from deception. Few will stop and investigate or seek the Lord in prayer over the issue. Worse, some will ignore questionable doctrine to keep the sanctity of the church.
  Therefore, we are making a deadly mistake to depend upon their claim alone. If you sit back and allow others to teach you, then you are vulnerable to attack. You must take what you have learned from teaching, and compare that knowledge with the Bible, not the other way around, as most are prone to do.
  While God has promised to keep His Word forever, there is a very dark history of conflict between Biblical truth and religious deception. Therefore, our respect for God’s Word should be the armor we take into the war zone.  
  Another unfortunate pillar of corrupt bible script comes in the form of doubt, the devil’s most murderous weapon. When Bible discussions arise, one of the most common complaints that I hear, is that the Bible is too difficult to understand. The language is outdated, and most believe that the King James translation is not the original text.

  Further, some say that the English translations are inferior to the Greek, and that most of us do not have the training to understand the full context of scripture, because we do not have the necessary skills for the Greek and Hebrew language.
  First, as mentioned above, we need to trust the Holy Spirit to teach us. Second, the language used in the King James, has not been used since the late 1300's. By 1611, most of the English speaking world did not use a lot of the words contained in scripture. But, the accuracy of the King James, demanded that those precise words be used, to clarify truth. The old words of: thee, thine and thou, were not spoken in 1611 either, but those words meant “You” singularly. To help the reader understand a plural “ You”, the phrase was changed to “Ye”, so avoid confusion.
  For those of us who did not grow up in the ‘computer age’, it took awhile to understand the correct meaning of computer lingo such as: software, downloads, cursors, etc. But in time, we did in fact learn how to negotiate the internet. As Dr. Gipp says: “ The Holy Bible does not need to be rewritten. It needs to be reread!”
  Last, the history and ancestry of corrupt biblical texts is proof positive that scholarship, whether in the languages of the Greek or Hebrew, can and will be distorted. For an example, many place a lot of significance in the correct understanding of Greek words.

  As a result, one will purchase a Greek dictionary, or depend upon the works of Greek scholars, to help them understand scripture. However, the Holy Spirit of God created all languages, and has a pretty good understanding of the English, as well as, the Greek and Hebrew languages. And two, like the publishers of the revised bible, a lot of money can be made by producing language concordances, but that does not make them trustworthy.
  Much is said about Dr. Strong’s concordance, but few know, that he also worked with a number of revision committees. Further, Dr. Strong knew that the original Greek texts of the New Testament were written in the common “Koine’ Greek language. But that didn’t stop the good doctor from altering script, by applying “Classical’ Greek, in his translation of words. Dr. Strong replaced words that the common language used, by comparing those words with passages from the ancient Greek writings of Plato, Aristotle, Pythagorus and others.
  To further complicate the issue of the Greek language, Dr. Strong also knew that the Koine Greek language had only about 5,000 words. English however, has over 200,000 words which can relate to 30 or 40 different words. His concordance did not always provide all of the possible meanings to a given word. Therefore, it is left up to the individual scholar to decide which of the words should be used. I would rather trust the Holy Spirit.
  Finally, those of us whom do own and read a King James Bible, we sometimes purchase a King James version with a commentary running concurrent with the scriptures. Would you trust the spirit mediums of Mr. Westcott and Mr. Hort to write this commentary of the King James Holy Bible?  Well, guess what, they did write the commentaries in the King James, and that is why so many are confused by what they read, with what the experts say. Our generous publishers seldom admit this fact.
  In the end, the reader is culpable for the corruption of text by attitude or laziness towards God. Some pastors are also guilty of trusting scholarship and church over the responsibility to speak the truth. Our scholars and publishers may also wear the armor of evil, by greed or by pride. But all are victims, and will continue to stay that way, if they choose.
  Unfortunately, the man of sin is coming very soon: armed with ancient texts to prove his deceit, along with revised bibles, a world church and public adoration of his signs, wonders and miracles. The cost is severe for those whom continue to ignore the Holy Word, as inspired by the Holy Spirit, and written in the King James Bible. May God grant you the wisdom to seek the truth. Amen.

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