

Salvation in Jesus Christ!

What comes to mind when you hear the name Jesus Christ? It's safe to say that almost everybody in our culture has heard the name Jesus and has at least some impression or thoughts about who he is, what he said, and why he lived. Depending on the way we have been raised, the people we know, and our experiences in life, we each respond to the name Jesus Christ in some way, whether positively, negatively, or indifferently. Some have called him the Son of God, a good teacher, philosopher, prophet, social revolutionary, and even a fraud. I don't know what has shaped your understanding about Jesus Christ, but I would like to invite you to honestly consider what Jesus has said about himself, and determine whether your understanding is consistent with the truth.

Jesus said that he is the Christ or Messiah prophesied about in the Old Testament scriptures. The Greek word Christ and the Hebrew word Messiah both mean Anointed one and refer to a great king and deliverer about whose coming men of God had spoken since the beginning of human history. It's written that this King would be our Creator, God Himself, who would dwell amongst us by taking on human flesh, being born of a virgin and called Immanuel which means God with us. This Creator-King would come to establish a new and eternal kingdom, judge evil and restore peace and righteousness to the earth. The Christ would take away the curse brought by our sin and prideful rebellion and reunite fallen man with his God to live again in fellowship, bringing great joy to the people of every tribe, tongue and nation. Jesus said He is that King.

* John 4:25-26 * Micah 5:2 * Isaiah 7:14 * Daniel 7:13-14 *

Jesus said that He is the Savior of the world. It's written that all sin is lawlessness before God, that everyone is guilty of dishonoring Him by breaking His holy law and that the righteous punishment of sin is eternity in hell. It's also written that a Savior would come to rescue us from the condemnation and guilt of our rebellion against God and provide a way for sinners to be reconciled to Him. He would satisfy the demands of God's justice by humbling Himself to suffer and die on the cross as a criminal, willingly standing in our place of judgment under His law and sacrificially taking upon Himself the penalty of our sins. Having removed the cause of enmity between us by righteously judging and paying for the crimes of His enemies, the Savior would declare peace and call all men to draw near to God, offering mercy, forgiveness and eternal life as a gift of His grace, instead of the judgment, wrath and hell we all deserve. Jesus said He is that Savior.

* Matthew 1:21 * Matthew 20:28 * Isaiah 53:5-6 *
 * Galatians 3:10, 13 * Romans 3:23-28 * Ephesians 2:8-9, 13 *
* Colossians 1:21-22 *

Jesus said that he would rise from the dead. In order to justify both Himself and those who have believed in Him, it's written that the Savior would not only die for sinners but also rise from the dead. He would prove, by showing that death had no power over him, that He is both Lord and Savior; that He will return again and that the power and right to judge and give eternal life belong to him. After he was dead and buried, on the 3rd day he rose from the dead and was seen by his apostles and then by more than 500 men at one time, many of whom, for proclaiming the reality of Jesus' resurrection would later lose their lives. The resurrection itself and the testimony of countless martyrs say that Jesus is alive and that He is in fact Lord over all and Savior of the world.

* Mark 9:30-31 * Romans 4:25 * Acts 2:32-36 * Romans 1:4 *
* Acts 17:30-31 * 1 Corinthians 15:3-6 * Psalm 15:10 *

Jesus today is calling all men everywhere to repent of their rebellion, and to believe the good news of His salvation. To repent means to literally change our thinking and way of life. It means with God's promised help we confess and actively turn away from our conscious rebellion, acknowledge our guilt and need for mercy, and turn to God in humility and obedience, submitting to His authority over us as King of our lives. It's written that God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. To believe means to fully trust and rely on the truthfulness and authority of what Jesus has said and the sufficiency and power of His life, death and resurrection as the sole basis for our salvation, righteousness and peace with God. It is written If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus (repentance), and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

* Mark 1:14-15 * Luke 24:46-47 * Isaiah 55:6-7 * 1 John 1:9 *
* John 5:24 * 1 John 5:13 * Romans 10:9-13 *

Jesus offers deep and satisfying hope to those who come to Him, both in this life and the one to come as well as awesome responsibility to those who reject Him as Lord and Savior. Jesus death on the cross was intended to convince you of His love and desire that you would not perish, but live forever with Him; that it is joy, peace, freedom and life to know such a beautiful and loving Savior and to worship and serve such a good and humble King. Having read what Jesus Himself has said, how are you going to respond to His life, death and resurrection? My sincere desire is that you would not harden your heart to the truth, but see that Jesus Christ Himself is your greatest need today and that you would turn to Him and find that God Himself is the greatest and most satisfying Treasure you could ever possess.

* Romans 15:13 * John 3:36 * 2 Thess. 1:6-10 * Romans 5:6-11 *
* 2 Peter 3:9 * Matthew 11:28-30 * John 6:35 *
